Pokemon Red Slot Machine Gameshark

All the slot machines have their odds randomly generated each play. As such, there is no single slot machine that is good for every player all the time. Generation 3: Generation 3 includes two sets of games: ruby/sapphire/emerald and fire red/leaf green. For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the slots.

  1. Pokemon Gameshark Rom
  2. All Pokemon Red Gameshark Codes

Pokemon Red/Blue
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Pinball
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
Pokemon Puzzle League
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pokemon Red/Blue

Send out no Pokemon: 00ff5ad0
Walk through everything: 011a14d7 (first you have to jump over a ledge)
Surfboard: 01072ad3 (appears in items as ?????)
Infinite PP: 01ff16d0 Change versions: b123d7cf (Red-Blue, Blue-Red) Fight anyone in grass area!01xxd8cf.
Enter the person's number/letter combination instead of xx, then go into a grass area and they'll fight you.
Beauty: DA
Psychic: DB
Tamer: DE
Bird keeper: DF
Hiker: D1
Supernerd: D0
Biker: D2
Burglar: D3
Engineer: D4
Juggler: D5
Fisherman: D6
Swimmer: D7
Cue-ball: D8
Gambler: D9
Brock: EA
Misty: EB
Lt.Surge: EC
Erika: ED
Koga: EE
Blaine: EF
Giovanni: E5
Gary 1: E1
Prof. Oak: E2
Chief: E3
Scientist: E4
Team Rocket: E6
Bruno: E9
Blackbelt: E0
Gentlemen: F1
Gary 2: F2
Gary 3: F3
Lorelei: F4
Channeler: F5
Agatha: F6
Lance: F7
Sabrina: F0
Bugcatcher: CA
Lass: CB
Sailor: CC
JR. Trainer-boy
JR. Trainer-girl
Pokemaniac: CF
Youngster: C9

Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Pinball
Pokemon Red Slot Machine GamesharkPokemon Yellow
Pokemon Trading Card Game

Pokemon Gameshark Rom

MachinePokemon Puzzle Challenge
Pokemon Puzzle League

All Pokemon Red Gameshark Codes

Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2

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