Borderlands 3 Slot Machine Hacks
Borderlands 3 Trainer +69
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo
Trainer Options:
# Player
NumPad1: Unlimited Health
NumPad2: Unlimited Shield
# Enemies
NumPad3: Super Damage
# Weapons
NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo
NumPad5: No Reload
NumPad6: No Recoil
NumPad7: Improved Accuracy
NumPad8: Unlimited Throwables/Grenades
NumPad9: Rapid Fire
# Skills
Multiply: Fast Skill Cooldowns
# Iron Bear
Add: Unlimited Iron Bear Fuel
Separator: No Iron Bear Weapon Heat
# Movement
Subtract: Easy Teleport to Set Waypoint
# Vehicle
Decimal: Unlimited Vehicle Boost
# Special
Divide: Easy Open Golden Chest
F1: Super Jump
F2: Super Movement Speed
F3: Adjust Item Level (Requirement) To Player Level
F4: Slot Machine / Jackpot Editor
F5: Toggle Fly Mode
F6: No Clip
# Game
F7: Game Speed
# Inventory
F8: Change Vault Coins
F9: Change Eridium
# Guardian
F10: Change Guardian Tokens
# Pet
F11: Infinite Pet Health
F12: Freeze Pet Respawn Timer
F13: Instant Pet Respawn
F14: Kill Pet
# Special
F15: Increased Legendary Drop Rate
Editor Options:
# Player:
Current Health
Max Health
Current Shields
Max Shields
# Ammunition:
Current Ammo
Max Ammo
# Throwables:
Current Throwable/Grenade
Max Throwable/Grenade
# Progression:
Current XP
Current Level
Current Skill Points
# Currency:
Current Vault Coins
Current Eridium
# Misc:
Backpack Slots
Shop Timer
# Guardian:
Current Tokens
Total Collected Tokens
# Guardian – Bonus Stats:
Action Skill Cooldown
Critical Damage
FFYL Duration
FFYL Movement Speed
Grenade Damage
Gun Damage
Gun Fire Rate
Max Health
Melee Damage
Luck (Rare Drop Rate)
Recoil Reduction
Reload Speed
Shield Capacity
Shield Recharge Delay
Shield Recharge Rate
# Slot Machine / Jackpot:
Lootboxer Outcome
Vault Line Outcome
Cash Trap Outcome
Tink’s Hijinx Outcome
Our Borderlands 3 +69 trainer is now available for version 1.0.14 and supports STEAM, EPIC STORE. These Borderlands 3 cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. This post contains all the known Amara Heads of Borderlands 3.
Guardian – Bonus Stats:
It may be that the values on the editor are out of order, that a value belongs to a different stat than the editor says.
Super Damage:
Toggle on and most things die instantly. If you are using a vehicle, it will also destroy instantly, so turn this off for vehicle missions. This may also affect your pet to die quickly.
Fast Skill Cooldowns:
Toggle on and many skills when finished, you can use them again quickly.
No Iron Bear Weapon Heat:
Toggle on for effect. May work with other weapons that overheat.
Easy Teleport to Set Waypoint:
This powerful option, when activated, when you set a waypoint you immediately teleport to it!
Unlimited Vehicle Boost:
Toggle on and many vehicles have unlimited boost.
Easy Open Golden Chest:
Approach the Golden Chest, then toggle on and you can open it without keys.
Super Jump:
While active you jump 2x as high which can be customized after trainer activation.
Super Movement Speed:
While active you move much faster which can be customized after trainer activation.
Adjust Item Level (Requirement) To Player Level:
While active mouse hover the item to adjust its item level (requirement) to your current level. This is permanent and stays even when restarting the game. Just make sure the game saves after you changed the levels.
Slot Machine / Jackpot Editor:
This works for Moxxi’s LOOTBOXER only. First activate this option then choose your desired outcome. using the EDITOR option Disable when not needed.
Toggle Fly Mode:
While active use WASD to fly around.
No Clip:
While active you can walk / fly through walls. You really should activate this only after enabling fly mode.
Game Speed:
Toggle on to speed up the game.
Change Guardian Tokens:
Open guardian screen first.
Kill Pet:
While active your pet health stays low. In order for the pet to die you have to let him hit once by an enemy.
Increased Legendary Drop Rate:
While active the chance of receiving a legendary drop, IF it is an item drop, is increased. This however does not increase the chance of receiving an item drop.
Misc’ Backpack Slots:
Open your inventory first. Edit value and then open it again to see it has changed.
Guardian’ EXP:
Open Guardian screen first.
Guardian’ Current Tokens:
Open Guardian screen first.
Guardian’ Total Collected Tokens:
Open Guardian screen first.
The Holy Spirits
Slot Machine / Jackpot’ Lootboxer Outcome:
Read instructions for ‘Slot Machine Editor’ cheat. Do NOT freeze just select the desired outcome.
Borderlands 3 Moxxi Slot Machine Hack
Slot Machine / Jackpot’ Vault Line Outcome:
Read instructions for ‘Slot Machine Editor’ cheat. Do NOT freeze just select the desired outcome.
Cheat Engine Borderlands 3 Steam
Slot Machine / Jackpot’ Cash Trap Outcome:
Read instructions for ‘Slot Machine Editor’ cheat. Do NOT freeze just select the desired outcome.
Moxxi Slot
Slot Machine / Jackpot’ Tink’s Hijinx Outcome:
Read instructions for ‘Slot Machine Editor’ cheat. Do NOT freeze just select the desired outcome.